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Home is where the heart is.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:50 pm
by thefearlessprincess
Character Name: TheFearlessPrincess
Skill Points:80+mil
zKill Link:

Character Name:
Skill Points:
zKill Link:

Character Name:
Skill Points:
zKill Link:


4. How did you hear about us? Returning member of M.V. :D

5. Why do you wish to join us? I Miss the gang and the pew pew :)
What can we expect from you? Hmm idk but Ill try to be present when fun happens.
What do you expect from us?

6. Do you know someone currently in MV that would vouch for you? Their name? TJ and Alchy, I guess.

7. What do you like to do in EVE and why?I like PvP, I like blowing up and getting blown up with nice shiny things.

8. What timezone are you? USTZ

9. How old are you? Never ask a lady her age.

10. How many hours a week do u play on average? Maybe 36 or more depend on work schedule.

11. Have you've had any major breaks from the game? Yes And if so, what was the reason(s) for it? Real life issues.

12. What corps and alliances you have been a part of and why did you leave? MV, Blackwater USA, NC. And Pandemic Legion

13. What are your favorite ships to fly? Logistics ships
How well can you fly them? Fair since it’s been awhile.
Can you give us fitting examples? Would there be any ships like doctrine ships that would be an issue to fly?
(Especially about T3's, logi, caps)

14. Tell us about your overall fleet experience? IE large scale, small’s always fun as long as there’s not much lag.”hope they fix it atleast”.

15. Have you ever been an FC and if so what kind of fleets did you do? Nope.

16. Do you have a super? If so can you also fly a fax on a separate alt? I used to be able to fly one but I think there’s new skills now for me to skill up idk.

17. Have you previously been involved in any large-scale capitals fleet fights while in a capital ship? Yes with my carrier and dread.

18. IF applicable, why should the corp overlook any deficiencies?because I’m awesome 😎

Re: Home is where the heart is.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:51 pm
by ch_angch_ang
+1 lovely lady ❤️

Re: Home is where the heart is.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:33 pm
by ragzs
welcome back