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Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:23 pm
by oxycutter_darklord
Skill Points: 155.2 million
Origin(created/bought): created
zKill Link:

Character Name: Kudain
Skill Points: 176.0 million
Origin(created/bought): acquired ;)
zKill Link:

Character Name: Sabotaged ego
Skill Points: 60.2 million
Origin(created/bought): created
zKill Link:

4. How did you hear about us? Flown with you dudes in NC

5. Why do you wish to join us? What can we expect from you? What do you expect from us?
As above, did a fair bit on joint ops with MV dudes when N8RTH was in NC. I expect fun, fights and shenanigans

6. Do you know someone currently in MV that would vouch for you? Their name?
Alchemy, Jarno, TJ to name a few

7. What do you like to do in EVE and why?
Kill stuff, i hate PVE, hate goons more

8. What timezone are you?
9. How old are you?
45, but totally pass for mid 30's
10. How many hours a week do u play on average?
just getting back after a long break, im on 3 - 4 nights a week, will play as long as im entertained

11. Have you've had any major breaks from the game? And if so, what was the reason(s) for it?
just had 18 months off. My penis accidentally fell into another woman. split from the ex. then had no broadband for 6 months. Like this is 2023 and
it felt like i was living in 1920's Britain

12. What corps and alliances you have been a part of and why did you leave?
Ex PL. Ping Legion wasnt for me
Ex NC (Corp left)

13. What are your favorite ships to fly? How well can you fly them? Can you give us fitting examples? Would there be any ships like doctrine ships that would be an issue to fly?
anything Pvp i'll fly. im a shit dictor pilot but i'll still fly.

14. Tell us about your overall fleet experience? IE large scale, small scale.
Last major conflict was WWB II. Been fighting for the right side of eve for over 10 yrs

15. Have you ever been an FC and if so what kind of fleets did you do?
used to do drunk roams for north. im no FC, but i can think for myself

16. Do you have a super? If so can you also fly a fax on a separate alt?
Kudain has a Swagatar. Amarr is the superior race. OXY can fly a fax. p sure Sabotaged ego can too...or is very close
17. Have you previously been involved in any large-scale capitals fleet fights while in a capital ship?
See kudains KB for titan use
OXY has flown carriers, Super carriers and dreads

18. IF applicable, why should the corp overlook any deficiencies?
I send nudes to the highest bidder
Also, Jarnobi violated me...multiple times. I also felt catfished when i met up


Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:31 pm
by ch_angch_ang
How did your Penis accidentally fall in to a women ?
I may be missing something here

Please send nudes to chang hahaha jk jk 😜

+1 from me he hates goons