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Uzumaki kiyomi

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:04 pm
by uzumaki_kiyomi


Character Name: Uzumaki kiyomi
Skill Points: 107m
Origin(created/bought): created
zKill Link:


4. How did you hear about us? in game recruitment

5. Why do you wish to join us? What can we expect from you? What do you expect from us? I talked to chang and traderjohn on coms and seems like a good group of people. to show up and do my best. It may take me a little bit of time to get the hang of null sec but I am ready for the challenge. Looking for a home to pvp with.

6. Do you know someone currently in MV that would vouch for you? Their name? I do not

7. What do you like to do in EVE and why? currently I am an incursion runner and NPSI pvp enjoyer. Incursions i hate to fly alone and incursions have lots of people to talk to. I enjoy the npsi fleets for the same reason people to talk to and I get to blow stuff up.

8. What timezone are you? I live in the US eastern time zone but play from DT till around 2100 eve

9. How old are you? 45

10. How many hours a week do u play on average? low side 8 high side 30

11. Have you've had any major breaks from the game? And if so, what was the reason(s) for it? i have had a couple and it was just time to win eve for a couple years till i am drawn back in. Had some real life stuff happen for one of them the other just needed a little time away.

12. What corps and alliances you have been a part of and why did you leave? Was part of CVA area alliance. this was when i was mining and not really pvping. I left cause we couldn't defend the space against neutrals.

13. What are your favorite ships to fly? How well can you fly them? Can you give us fitting examples? Would there be any ships like doctrine ships that would be an issue to fly? I really enjoy BLOPS fleets and can fly a ton of those. bomber recons blops. I can fly 95% of all the sub caps. Have not really skilled into caps yet but am ready to. I don't see any problems with doctrine ships. I can fly minmitar and caldari t3's. I have logi cruiser V and can fly all the logi cruisers. Capitals i really want to fly dreads more than anything. Maybe pve with carriers/super carriers. My alt
(Especially about T3's, logi, caps)

14. Tell us about your overall fleet experience? IE large scale, small scale. I have flown mainly small scale fleets max about 150 people in fleet. NPSI doesn't get much bigger than that.

15. Have you ever been an FC and if so what kind of fleets did you do? Probably doesn't count but I was a incursion FC with warp to me back when they actually flew.

16. Do you have a super? If so can you also fly a fax on a separate alt? no super.

17. Have you previously been involved in any large-scale capitals fleet fights while in a capital ship? I have not

18. IF applicable, why should the corp overlook any deficiencies? I have been playing eve a long time and am ready to try my hand in something new.

Re: Uzumaki kiyomi

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:59 pm
by ragzs

you mentioned you used to do alot of mining, do you not have alts? i know some people are single account players, but i've yet to meet a long time player, and especially a miner type that didn't have alot of alts. If you do have them, can you please also list them on the application, doesn't matter alliance affiliation, they must all be listed.

you mention you are not currently skilled into capitals but are wanting to do so. What capital ships do you want to fly? right now the meta is definitely dreads over carriers.

Do you prefer to do Logi in fleets or DPS or fly specialized roles such as links/scouts/dictors etc?

How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?

Incursions are much more rare, although we do have a group of folk that run them when they spawn in our space, how would you make yourself self sufficient down here in null? looking to get into mining/ratting?

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions, and hope to see you around!!!

Re: Uzumaki kiyomi

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:34 pm
by uzumaki_kiyomi
Character Name: ademiri
Skill Points: 170m
Origin(created/bought): created

Character Name: ademiri aki
Skill Points: 28m
Origin(created/bought): created

Character Name: huanu aki
Skill Points: 60
Origin(created/bought): created

Character Name: yukawa sato
Skill Points: 2m
Origin(created/bought): created

Character Name: olivia alard
Skill Points: 17m
Origin(created/bought): created

currently skilling my main into a dread and also have a alt skilling into a dread or fax. revelation dread and not sure the fax alt ship yet just depends on the doctrine.

i prefer roles my main is max booster i fly a lot of dictor/recon type of ships. I can fly logi and have a ton of time doing it but prefer roles.

pineapple is a no go for me. I like old school paper thin and crispy

incursions are what i do in high sec. In null I will probably Marauder rat till i can fly a carrier.

Re: Uzumaki kiyomi

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:11 pm
by pakokkie
Eat sushi with your hands or with chopsticks?

Re: Uzumaki kiyomi

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:28 pm
by uzumaki_kiyomi
Nigiri with my hand, Rolls and other stuff with chop sticks. Good sushi is hard to find where I live and it sucks :(

Re: Uzumaki kiyomi

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:36 pm
by priest_creed
looks all good to me as he knows that belongs on a Pizza